
Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and can infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. Also known as “korkot rog” in Bangla. There is no doubt that it puts us under tremendous pressure regarding morbidity and mortality. But thanks to the latest developments in the multiple treatment and investigation facilities to relieve the burden of cancer.

See here for more info: Introduction to Basic Cancer Neoplasm and Oncology Terms

In Medicine, it is known as Neoplasm. That is what your doctor will use the name. The study of neoplasm is oncology. Sometimes it is also called a tumor. I will discuss the basic terminology and facts about it. Carcinoma or sarcoma are two different types of cancer. Some are benign and some are malignant.

Malignancy is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Initially, it was considered a disease of affluent countries but with time this information is no longer believed to be true.

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